Something wrong in OMP_O09 template

Something wrong in OMP_O09 template

Dear Matthias,

Good day,

I am using the Saddle Nightly 20130206. My customize OMP_O09 have two customized segment ZD1, ZD2. I used Test Template to test my hl7 message and the customized OMP_O09 template but it has the error: "OMP_O09_ORDER: The current number of field instances (0) is below the lower boundary of 1 instances that has been defined for this field ". Besides, I can see only MSG segment has value in OMP_O09 panel.

I used Hapi Testpanel to validate the message, there isn't any error for MSH, OMP_O09_PATIENT and OMP_O09_ORDER part.

I attached here the customized template and the HL7 message I used. Please help me, I don't know exactly the problem comes from template or from test HL7 message.

Thanks and best regards,




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Re: Something wrong in OMP_O09 template

Dear Dzung,

this should be fairly simple: You activated the validation and this goes through all your fields and checks the required boundaries. Your OMP_O09_ORDER is defined as having minimum one instance (have a look at the minimum occurrence attribute of the field).

Regarding your empty fields: The field delimiter is defined as r or carriage return. However your test file provides rn also known as carriage return+line feed. Just switch your text editor to using mac line endings (these are just r) and the file parses just fine.

Best regards,

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Re: Something wrong in OMP_O09 template

Dear Matthias,

Thank you a lot for your advice. I forgot about the line ending character. I also thought the file has problem because before I added ZD2 segment to it, my system can work well with at least 5 times test. But I don't know what problem can be, thank you a lot.

Best regards,

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