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Why I can't get into the monitoring?
Why I can't get into the monitoring?
As the document said that to access the monitoring and adminstration component, the IP of the server, Mule is running on, followed by the port of the jmx interface (by default 9999) has to be typed in the address bar of a browser (e.g. when I started the saddle and mule,typed in the address bar of browser,I still couldn't find the monitoring page.So would you tell me why?In addition,I can't click the button which is in the right of the red button that named "stop mule",
By the way,I'm using saddle_v0.7.zip and mule 3.1.0
Re: Why I can't get into the monitoring?
Unfortunately Monitoring is not supported for mule version 3 or higher at the moment. The stop mule button should be enabled if a mule instance is running. It might be that mule did not properly start the application saddleTemp (which you could then read in the log below) and because of that is not able to be closed using Saddle.
If you are sure that mule is still running and you are not able to close it using Saddle please open the task manager of your OS and try finding the mule wrapper process. On Windows it is called wrapper-windows_x86-32.exe on linux simply search for "mule" in the list of your running processes.
Best regards,
- mkutscheid
- 309 Posts
Re: Why I can't get into the monitoring?
xiejian wrote:
In addition,I can't click the button which is in the right of the red button that named "stop mule"
This button can only stop a Mule instance that has been started via Saddle. If you didn't use Saddle to start Mule this button in disabled.
- Ortwin
- 115 Posts
Re: Why I can't get into the monitoring?
Hey Xiejian,
We are currently priorizing our work and ideas and making the Monitoring ready for Mule 3 and onward is definitely one of the more important tasks. On the other hand it might also be one of the more complicated tasks, as the monitoring module is currently pretty dependent on mule version 2.2.1 and the rewriting might take some time.
If you or someone here has a good knowledge of java and javascript and wants to have a look at this we would really apreciate the work and take the changes into the trunk as soon as possible. The Sourcecode necessary for this can be found here.
Unfortunately I can not give any more precise information for the moment.
Best regards,
- mkutscheid
- 309 Posts
Re: Why I can't get into the monitoring?
Hi Sandhya,
There is currently no support for mule 3.x in the monitoring, although we plan to add support for these versions in the future.
Best regards,
- mkutscheid
- 309 Posts
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