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Final setup and testing

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Final setup and testing
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Final setup

For finalizing the example, you have to set two additional properties to the mule configuration.
First, you have to change back to the workflow designer tab to access the “order to purchase” workflow you have defined during the first step of this tutorial.

Press the “Workflow_OrderToPurchase” tab to switch to the workflow designer.

Now the components that have been created in step 2 (Templates) and step 3 (Mapping) have to be assigned to the components for which they are needed.

First, the “Order”-template has to be assigned to the inbound transformer. This template tells the transformer about the structure of the expected messages as well as how to parse the raw message into the “Order” message structure template.

The outbound transformer does not need to have a template assigned as it receives the “Purchase” template, including the data, from the “MapOrder2Purchase” component. This transformer will transform the purchase message to the destination format (XML) that is required by the producer’s ERP system by interpreting the transformation instructions that have been defined in the “Purchase” template.

1. Select the “Delimited2Message” inbound transformer from the workflow.
2. Assign the path of the “Order”-template to the property “templatePath” by selecting it from the drop down list.



The name of the class that implements the business logic for the mapping has automatically been assigned during the creation of the mapping in setp 3: